Summers are getting hotter here in the UK, and with a heatwave expected in the coming weeks, now might be the best time to have your car air conditioning regassed.Over time, refrigerant gas inevitably becomes clogged up with fine particles and moisture. This not only means that your air conditioning will become less powerful but it can place excess strain on the engine. This will become more noticeable in the warmer months.

Keeping on top of your air conditioning regassing and cleaning your vehicle’s air conditioning system will ensure that it keeps working and can save you hassle later on.

How Do I Know If My Aircon Needs Regassing?

A common question we are asked by our customers is how to tell that an aircon requires regassing. It’s extremely important to have your air conditioning regassed, not just because the air-con system will become less efficient and the windows will take much longer to demist in the winter, but also because it can lead to parts seizing up and pipes more likely to crack.

The most obvious sign will be a noticeable change in the air blown from the events, which won’t be as cool as they used to be. This will be more evident during warmer months as you’ll find your car struggling to get down to a cool temperature. You may also notice a musty smell which will be another indication.

If you do notice a hissing or whistling sound coming from your air conditioning, this could be a sign of a refrigerant leak. In this instance, we advise you to turn off your air conditioning unit immediately and have this checked out by a professional.

How Often Should You Regas Your Air Conditioning?

Most manufacturers will recommend regassing your car’s air conditioning system every one to two years.

Many drivers wait until their air conditioning no longer blows cold air. Of course, leaving it too long can put more strain on the engine which can therefore use more fuel. We recommend having your air conditioning system tested on a regular basis to prevent the need to have it repaired. This may come in the form of a temperature test and a leak test, both of which are carried out for free at Parkland Servicing.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Your Air Con Regassed?

The cost of air conditioning regas will typically cost you around £50 but can often be much more.

At Parkland Services, if your air conditioning isn’t functioning properly, we can run a free test to see if your air conditioning requires a regas or if the system requires a repair instead.

Tips to Maintain Your Air Conditioning

Regular professional maintenance is crucial in keeping your car’s air conditioning system in good condition. Here are some of our top tips to take care of your air conditioning system throughout all of the seasons:

  • Keep the windows closed when your air conditioning on to prevent cool air from being wasted
  • Run your air conditioning at least once a week (for around 10 minutes) to maintain gas pressure, even in winter
  • Avoid turning your air conditioning on full-blast when you first get in the car. Instead, start your air conditioning in the lowest mode and gradually increase it when the air becomes cooler
  • Aim the jets towards the roof, rather than towards yourself. This means that the cold air will spread around faster with even distribution
  • Try to avoid using your air conditioning while stationary. As your air conditioning works best when the engine is working harder, it will reach optimum temperature faster when you’re driving compared to sat on the driveway
  • In the warmer months, try to park in the shade where possible to keep your car cool and to avoid needing to turn on the air conditioning full blast when you first get into the car
  • Have your air conditioning system regassed by a professional every one-two years, and avoid attempting a DIY regas by yourself
  • Have your car serviced on a regular basis as various components will be tested to check they are operating correctly with no leaks or damages

Book Your Air Conditioning Regas

Whether you’re located in Loughborough, or slightly further afield, Parkland Services can help. Our service areas include East Leake, Rempstone, Costock, Bunny, Gotham, Keyworth, Ruddington, Sutton Bonington, Hoton and Wysall. We would be delighted to talk to you regarding air conditioning regassing and to provide you with advice.

We offer a regassing service on all makes and models, with expert quality workmanship, at competitive prices. We also handle professional repairs of air conditioning systems.

If you would like to book your air conditioning regas, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist. Call our expert team on 01509 232232.